COVID-19: new provisions for entrance at NEST during the PHASE 2


Dear All,
Following the spirit of the Prime Minister directives dated on 26th of April, and of the SNS Director, we have to maximise smart working at home for everyone during this emergency period, the so-called PHASE 2.

Therefore, until the18th of MAY, NEST building will remain accessible but with some important limitations:

a) The reception at NEST will be open from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM every day of the week: entrance in the building will be allowed only during this period for people having a been authorised by SNS, CNR, IIT and SSSA Lab NEST Directors;

b) Students (including PhDs) are not allowed to access the building until further notice. Possibly this limitation will be somewhat relaxed very soon.

c) You can enter in the building only if you are free of any cold-like symptoms;
You have to be aware of safety rules that must be followed at NEST during the COVID-19 alert ( DVR, risk assessment): you must have attended the COVID-19 safety course course and you must have read the following document:


More details on the activities and additional links and provisions are present on the web site of the NEST lab.

d) The access to laboratories is allowed only if explicitly approved by the NEST director and is regulated and limited by standard operating procedures (POS). The access schedule to the laboratories is prepared in advance by the SNS, CNR, IIT and SSSA Lab NEST Directors.

e) Activities in the offices are possible in any case if only one person is present. Two people are tolerated for short periods (less than 1 h) if the two people can keep the distance of 1.8 meters and if they ventilate the office while they are present. Please arrange for shifts with your officemates as necessary.

Best wishes

Gigi Rolandi

(**) if you do not have a printer at home you can get copies of the declaration at the reception. The first time you enter at NEST you can fill the declaration at the entrance.


According to the new COVID-19 containment measures, provided by the Council of Ministers’ Presidential Decree of 26 April 2020:
• Only travel justified by proven work requirements or necessary situations, namely for health reasons, are permitted, and travelling in order to meet relatives is considered necessary as long as the ban on gatherings is respected.
• Social distancing of at least one metre and the use of respiratory protection is required.
• All natural persons are prohibited from moving or travelling, by public or private transport, to a region other than the one in which they are currently located, except for proven work requirements, for absolute urgencies or for health reasons; you are in any case allowed to return to your home or residence.
• Individuals with symptoms of a respiratory infection and fever (greater than 37.5°C) must remain home and limit all social contacts as much as possible. Their doctor must also be contacted.
• Any form of gathering of people in both public and private places is forbidden.
• Public access to parks, towns and public gardens is allowed on the condition that the social distance of one metre is respected.
• Events and sporting competitions of any order and discipline, in public or private spaces, are suspended.
• Organised events and shows of any kind with public presence are suspended.